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The Exchange Student Nomination is the first step for students from exchange partner institutions wishing to spend a semester or year at the University of Kentucky (UK).  The nomination process is designed to ensure that all exchange students will have a rewarding experience at UK based on academic interests, goals and preparation. 

Nominations must be submitted by the exchanges coordinator/education abroad advisor at the sending institution on behalf of each student seeking an exchange placement. Once a nomination is received, the UK Exchanges Coordinator will make a preliminary determination of acceptance.  Preliminary acceptance decisions for the exchange program are made on a rolling basis up to the nomination deadline.

Please note, UK Education Abroad must receive the nomination and grant preliminary acceptance to the exchange program before the student begins the official application for admission to the university. Once a student is preliminarily accepted for the exchange program, students and sending university coordinators/advisors will receive additional details about the official University of Kentucky admissions process.

Nominations for fall semester and academic year applicants (August start date): April 15.
Nominations for spring and alternate academic year applicants (January start date): September 15.

Nominator Information

Nominated Student Information

Student Name