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University-wide Navigation
Conduct an inventory of internationally focused web pages across the colleges and research centers. Develop a central website that links users to these resources, identifies existing globally focused resources across campus, and directs faculty, staff, and students toward a range of relevant global engagement programs, including internships, service-learning, and research opportunities, with links to key campus resources.
completion 100.0% complete
  • Lead Unit
  • International Partnerships & Research
  • Coordinating Units
  • Education Abroad & Exchanges, Handshake Team, International Health, Safety & Security, Office of China Initiatives, Salesforce Team, Vice President for Research
  • Completion Goal
  • December 2023
Facilitate data sharing between various administrative units, as part of the UK Global Footprint Initiative, to create a comprehensive dashboard of international agreements and contracts entered into on behalf of the University of Kentucky. Develop communication mechanism and flow of information from all units to central repository. Develop a dashboard that can be accessed and used to generate institution-level reports of global operations/business transactions to facilitate compliance.
completion 75.0% on track
  • Lead Unit
  • International Partnerships & Research
  • Coordinating Units
  • Education Abroad & Exchanges, International Health, Safety & Security, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration, Office of Technology Commercialization, UK Colleges, UK Philanthropy, University Financial Services
  • Completion Goal
  • December 2023
Develop a web-interface to bring together existing and new information in one central self-service location. Develop a plan for sustainability to ensure data are updated. Develop a communication strategy to promote the use of UK Global Footprint resources.
completion 63.5% on track
  • Lead Unit
  • International Partnerships & Research
  • Coordinating Units
  • UK Information Technology Services, UK Marketing & Communications
  • Completion Goal
  • May 2025
Develop a process to collect data from faculty and researchers on their global research collaborations, experience, and expertise and assess how these might be leveraged for broader impact. Provide a mechanism for faculty, staff, and students with allied interests in specific world regions, countries, and cultures, or in specific transnational issues, topics, and challenges, to self-identify and come together in affinity networks, and to initiate inter- and multi-disciplinary projects. Support affinity groups by developing websites, publications, events, resources.
completion 22.5% on track
  • Lead Unit
  • International Partnerships & Research
  • Coordinating Units
  • Associate Deans for Research, Research Advisory Group, Vice President for Research
  • Completion Goal
  • May 2025