UK faculty members are increasingly interested in embedding global experiences into their otherwise residential courses so as to leverage the international scope of the course content, to provide students with real-world learning opportunities and to foster meaningful intellectual and intercultural experiences. UK Education Abroad & Exchanges (UK EA) is eager to partner with you to develop innovative programming that engages your students in understanding their disciplines within a broader, global context.
Teach Abroad
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Become a Program Leader
Build a Custom Faculty-Directed Program
Partner with one of UK's affiliate providers to develop a faculty-directed program abroad. Working with your department and college leadership, you determine the academic course(s) to teach, student learning outcomes, location and dates of travel. UK EA will connect you with a reputable affiliate partner that will support your academic goals and arrange your on-site logistics.
Teach through a UK Consortium
University of Kentucky is an institutional member of several consortia and you can teach through these organizations. The Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS) and the Cooperative Center for Study Abroad (CCSA) regularly utilizes UK faculty to teach on their programs. You may also be invited to develop new programs, work as on-site coordinators or serve on their governing boards.